An amicable way forward in your divorce and separation proceedings without the high cost of legal fees.
Application for Consent Orders Form - Complete Guide
Family Court Consent Orders Checklist
Example Consent Orders Templates
Can I benefit from Personalised DIY Minute of Consent Orders?
Have you separated from your spouse or partner?
Have you reached agreement about how to divide your assets?
Do you want to finalise your agreement and make it formal and binding?
Do you want to draft the agreement yourself and avoid the high cost of engaging lawyers?
If you answered yes to all of the above, this website is for you.
What We Do
Create your Personalised DIY Minute of Consent Orders FAST with our interactive questionaire for ONLY $139.95

Family Court Consent Orders for Amicable Separations
Not every separation leads to litigation. For those of you who have separated from your spouse and have reached agreement about who gets what and the retention of assets and liabilities, you may want to formalise the agreement by making an Application for Consent Orders to the Family Court. Parties in agreement can apply to the Family Court for consent orders to be made. Consent orders make your agreement an order of the Court without you having to go through the Court process. When consent orders are made, your agreement will have the same legal effect as a decision of the Court.
The application once approved by the Family Court means that your agreement will be converted into an enforceable and binding court order.

Do I need a Family Lawyer to Draft my Minute of Consent Orders?
You do not require a lawyer to draft the application or the consent orders. Legal Aspirations is dedicated to assisting people in the community who cannot afford legal services prepare their own Application for Consent Orders and in particular, the document that will become the binding court order called the “Minute of Consent Orders”. The Minute of Consent Orders can regulate parenting orders and/or a financial agreement between you and your estranged spouse.
Legal Aid or Family Relationships websites have examples of parenting orders if you wish to incorporate parenting orders into the Minute. This website is dedicated to assisting parties with the financial aspect of separation.

Do you have any Example Consent Order Templates?
Example Consent Order Templates are available for purchase from the Cart. Alternatively, you can choose to have a personalised Minute prepared for and catered to your individual circumstances by completing the interactive questionnaire. Just answer the questions and we’ll take care of the rest. Click on Get Started to give this a go. You can save, exit and resume the questionnaire at any time. Once complete and finalised, you can proceed with payment of only $139.95.
For a more in-depth explanation of the consent order process, continue reading at Application for Consent Orders.
The documents purchased through this website were prepared by leading Australian lawyers specialising in family law.
Have any questions?
You are welcome to contact us via email at We are happy to assist you with completing the form in our mission to help to reduce the cost of divorce and separation in Australia.
Helping Australians through Amicable Separations in every State and Territory